
Red = Where we have been!


Red = Where we have been!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Ruff gets excited...

Hello everyone and welcome to Ruff's blog!

Ruff is getting very excited about his third major trip and his first to the southern hemisphere!!! In just three weeks he is setting out for Hong Kong and taking Laura and Niall with him! After a week in Hong Kong they will head to New Zealand for a serious three and a half month tour! Ruff loves walking, mountains and beaches so he can't wait! The tour will finish off with three weeks chilling on the Australian East Coast - (you can see from Ruff's photo that he enjoys chilling on the beach). Ruff would love all his friends to come but they don't fit in the suitcase so instead they will have to read about it on this blog which he has set up with the welcome assistance of Laura and Niall!

Enjoy! - We will! :-)

Laura, Niall & Ruff xxx


Matthew Cunnell said...

Hey Guys,
Have a fantastic trip. I look forward to reading all your adventures! Keep Ruff out of trouble!

Anonymous said...

Make sure you take the sunblock Ruff. That ozone hole is big over NZ.


Anonymous said...

wow! that was easy.

Have a fab trip ill be sure to check in and see what you ve been up to
take care

Anonymous said...

12:20 QF030 HONG KONG AND MELBOURNE AIRBORNE 1308 Terminal four

They're off!

Anonymous said...

wow! hong kong looks amazing
very jealous and now its definately on my list of must go cities!
